The Wellbeing Zone

By Kristen Ferguson | Posted: Thursday September 22, 2022

Ko te matua o te oranga hauora ko te hinengaro hauora ~ The key to a healthy life is a healthy mind.

The Green Zone is used to describe a calm state of alertness. A person may be described as happy, focused, content, or ready to learn when in the Green Zone. This is the zone where optimal learning occurs.

If your child is the Red, Yellow or Blue zone, the immediate thought is to want to "get them to the green zone." Although this is the best scenario for everyone involved when children are struggling with their emotions, it is important to remember that they need to explore the zone they're in first, and navigate their feelings to figure out why they are in that particular zone, then use tools and strategies to relieve their difficult emotion and naturally "get to the green zone." 

Green Zones Strategies (video)

This Parent Presentation is from a school in UK. This resource explains the Zones of Regulation in detail, and gives you some great tips and strategies to help your child self regulate, explore their emotions and get "back to the green zone."  

If you are concerned about the frequency of your child entering the red, blue or yellow zone, please contact your child's teacher, myself or your child's GP for additional support.

Kristen Ferguson ([email protected])

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