By Kristen Ferguson | Posted: Tuesday November 1, 2022
Caution! Triggers Ahead!
It is important for children to gain awareness that they are more successful if they can stay in the Green Zone, recognise their personal triggers that lead to the Blue, Red, or Yellow Zone and work on problem solving to avoid triggers.
At home, you could brainstorm with your child their triggers and then come up with problem solving strategies and tools to cope.
Some triggers at home could be:
- a sibling is bothering them
- having to wake up early
- having to do something they don't want to do
- homework
- someone bothering them at school
- missing a fun activity
- hurt themselves
- sensory difficulties (too loud, clothes too tight etc.)
Some coping strategies and tools could be:
- deep breathing
- fidget tool
- do something active
- talk to a parent, teacher or friend
- get a drink or have something to eat
You could make a Caution! Triggers Ahead visual like the photo below and hang it on the fridge or in your child's room as a reminder. Remember to write the triggers AND what the child can do to regulate their emotions. This is an individual activity as everyone's triggers and coping strategies are different.