By Bridget McDowall | Posted: Thursday November 3, 2022
He rau ringa e oti ai
Upcoming Events
Saturday 5th Nov-Jump Jam Nationals in Christchurch
Friday the 11th November Rūma Iwa / R9 assembly
Monday the 14th of Nov-Balmacewen Production at Otago Boys’ High School
Tuesday the 15th of November Otago athletics day for students that have qualified.
Wednesday 16th Nov-Road Patrol Training for Year 5 students-1:15 pm-3:00 pm
Friday 18th November -School closed for a Teacher-only day
Friday 18th Nov-Extra Quiz Final-Room 9 qualifying team
22nd - 25th November Year 6 Camp Iona/Year 5 activity week
Wednesday 30th November Pizza lunch fundraiser
Friday-2nd December - Market afternoon
Friday 2nd Dec-Reports go out to parents
Tuesday 6th December-Balmacewen Orientation afternoon-1:30-2:40 pm
Monday 5th Dec-Parent interviews 3:15-6:15 pm
Tuesday 6th Dec-Pantomine at Kavanagh-For Year 5 and Room 9, Year 4 students
Tuesday 6th Dec-Year 6 Balmacewen visit for Year 6 students attending Balmacewen Intermediate next Year.
Monday 5th and Tuesday 6th December-Parent Teacher interviews
Wednesday 7th December Year 6 leavers assembly-6:30 pm
Thursday 8th December Disco-6:30-7:30 pm
Wednesday 14th December School closes for the Summer holidays at 3 pm.
Wednesday 1st February-School begins for the year
Kia Ora,
We have had a busy start to the term and many exciting upcoming events. Please complete any Google Forms that are sent out as soon as possible. Following up with students and families can be very time-consuming.
Gumboot Friday
Today is Gumboot Friday!
Gumboot Friday gives young Kiwis, our precious rangatahi, free and fast access to qualified counselling. This service relies on the continued generosity of many New Zealanders. Thank you for taking part in this important fundraiser.
Hockey Skills
On Tuesday, the senior team were fortunate to have a hockey skills-based lesson with Ellie from the Otago Polytech. The students learnt how to hold a hockey stick correctly and how to control the hockey ball using a variety of different techniques.
Year 6 Camp News
Our camp programme is well underway, and we are all getting excited about this fabulous educational activity outside the classroom.
This week we discussed…
The trip to the Orokonui Ecosanctuary
The menu
Table manners
The evening programme and the packing list.
Year 5 Activity Week
The plan for Y5 activity week is as follows -
Monday 21st Nov - Normal school day, including senior swimming.
Tuesday 22nd Nov - We will leave school at 9:30 am to head to the Dinosaur Park, where we will spend the morning. After lunch, we will head to St Kilda Beach for a sandcastle competition. Tamariki are welcome to bring their scooters on this day to use on the course at Marlow Park.
Wednesday 23rd Nov - We will hike down to Woodhaugh Gardens, where we will have lunch together and play some sports. We will then be getting the bus back to school at 2:00 pm.
Thursday 24th Nov - We are very lucky as we are heading to Rialto Cinemas, where we get to be some of the first people to see Disney’s Strange World. We will be walking to and from school. Here is the trailer if you want to check it out -
Friday 25th Nov - We will spend the morning at Balmacewen Intermediate, where two classes will take us on an arts rotation in small groups. Following this, we will make our way down the road to Bowl Line for a couple of games of bowling each.
Thank you for your ongoing support. It should be a great week for our Y5s!
Permission and parent help form -
Jump Jam Nationals
This weekend our Jump Jam team will compete against other schools from across the South Island. Good Luck, and thank you for dedicating so much time to perfecting your routine.
Balmacewen Production
We are fortunate to have been invited to Balmacewens school production, "You're History" dress rehearsal matinee performance on Monday 14th November at 12.45 pm. This is the same day as school swimming. Some classes will walk from the pool and have lunch at the park before the performance at Otago Boys’ High School. You will receive information regarding this very soon.
Balmacewen Orientation Afternoon
All parents and caregivers of Year 6 children attending Balmacewen next year should have received an email confirming their child's enrollment. If you are unsure about your child's enrolment, please call the Balmacewen school office on 466 7251
There are still a few more spaces if there are any late enrolments.
You should have received an invitation letter to the orientation afternoon on Tuesday the 6th of December from 1.30 pm and 2.40 pm. Please return the permission slip to your child’s class teacher. We will walk to and from Balmacewen.
Project-Based Learning Term 4
How can we as retailers design, create and make a product to sell to our community?
Each class is working together to make a product to sell on market day. This will be held on Friday the 2nd of December at 1:30 pm.
Thank you to all of our swimming volunteers. We are so grateful that you walk with us each Monday and are willing to get into the pool with students so that they can have free play time after their lessons.
As part of our swimming programme, all students will participate in the Water Skills for Life session. Students will need old clothes for this. Please send along long pants (not jeans) and a long-sleeved top.
Session Days- These vary depending on your child’s swimming group. Please ask your child which swim coach they swim with to ensure they have the correct clothing for this session. Class teachers will send out reminders before the session.
Water Safety For Life Dates:
21/11 Kim’s Group
28/11 Tracey/Kandice’s Group
5/12 Renee’s Group