By Beth Downie | Posted: Thursday February 23, 2023
Welcome to our newest Kaikorai pupils, Cormac and Ernie - we are so happy you are here ⭐
The first four weeks of term have flown by. Assemblies are happening, artwork is on the wall, and learning about who we are and where we come from is underway. We are really refining how we sing our school waiata, practising correct pronunciation in order to give the waiata the importance it deserves.
We have also noticed some anxiety amongst our ākonga with testing and assessment. Also, with the adjustment it takes when moving from the juniors to the middles, or middles to the seniors. Please know this is perfectly normal. Our fabulous teachers always explain why we do assessments, what they mean, and why it's important. Mrs Ferguson has been in all classes taking Relax Kids sessions and teaching about the Zones of Regulation, and explaining how these tools can help at home or at times when we are feeling overwhelmed.
We have a whānau hui on Monday night to discuss the opening of the new buildings. I look forward to a kōrero with our Māori community about what this might look like for us.