Week 3 Principal's news

By Beth Downie | Posted: Tuesday February 14, 2023

Welcome to our newest Kaikorai students, Lucy and Amalia. We are so happy you are here.

Our Term 1 programme is fully underway with classes learning about each other and where their families come from and working out ways to share this with a wider audience as part of our PBL for term 1.

In a few weeks, you will have the opportunity to have a 10-minute learning conversation (parent interview) with your child's teacher. You can discuss any questions you may have. The booking form for this will be linked in next week's newsletter. 

Health and Safety ⛑

Many children are arriving to school well before 8:30 am. This becomes a health and safety issue as there is no road patrol nor is there supervision in the playground. If children need to be at school before 8:30 am then they should be at before-school care with Kelly Club. 

Similarilarly, teachers are teaching until 3 pm. You are welcome to sit in the learning streets but please refrain from entering the classroom as this can be disruptive for our teachers and learners.

Scooters and all things with wheels

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