Middles News

By Amy McBeath | Posted: Thursday March 9, 2023

Mauri tū, mauri ora - An active soul is a healthy soul.

Parent Interviews and Goal Setting

I would like to say a big thank you to everybody who was able to attend our parent-teacher interviews.  This was a great chance to meet and talk about your child's learning needs and expectations.  Student learning goals discussed at interviews should now all be showing up on Seesaw. As students work through activities related to these goals, photos or videos of their progress will be added to their posts. Some students may work through this process more quickly if their goal was revision or consolidation of previous learning, while others may take more time and support to achieve their goal. If for any reason you were unable to attend, please feel free to get in touch with your child's teacher to arrange a time to meet.

Keeping Active

All middle syndicate classes had a great golf session with Melanie Harper. Melanie has had many years of experience which makes it such a fun session. Children learned how to swing a golf club and then worked through using three different-sized balls to develop their skills.  Starting with a larger soft ball, then moving to a tennis ball, and then finally to a smaller soft golf ball helped students improve their technique as the session progressed.  It was great to see our KAIK values shining through, with children being keen to give things a go, and encouraging their classmates along the way.

It was great to see so many students getting involved in Walk and Wheel Week this year. Using active transport is a great way to get in some exercise both to and from school (and it also eases up traffic around our school gates). A Walking School Bus operates every school morning from the corner of Highgate and Belgrave Crescent (at the top of Ross St, just along from Roslyn Kindergarten) to Kaikorai Primary School. Children can also join the bus along the way. The Walking Bus allows children to walk to school in the company of other children with parent volunteers to ensure safety. The Walking Bus leaves at 8.20 am and all are welcome.


There is still time for you to get involved and share your family story for our next milestone (exploring ways to showcase our cultural identity). If you can, please spend some time having a conversation as a family about culture, special family traditions, or simply things that are special to you. This will help us as we explore ideas in class.  


Please remember that during term 1, students are expected to be wearing their school hats outside during break and fitness times. While regular reminders are given lots of encouragement is given for demonstrating our KAIK value of independence, we still have a number of students who have not got a hat to wear at school. Please check with your child to make sure that they have their hat at school.  

The amount of lost property continues to grow.  Please make sure that clothing is named as it is much easier to return when we know who it belongs to.

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