Junior News

By Felicia Ward | Posted: Thursday March 9, 2023

He waka eke noa - A canoe which we are all in with no exception

Parent Interviews

Thank you for taking the time to join us for parent interviews this week. It is a great chance to celebrate your child's successes and discuss their next steps. It truly is a team effort and we appreciate your support in working alongside us to provide your child with quality learning experiences. As always, if you have any questions or concerns throughout the year, please don't hesitate to contact your child's teacher. Our doors are always open!

PBL & Play

Children are engrossed in all things Tūrangawaewae - A place to stand. Through play, we have been learning about who we are, our families, our homes and where we are in the world.

Since introducing play into our classroom programmes we have been overwhelmed with the level of creativity and problem solving skills shown. Children are learning to manipulate different materials and loose parts to create their desired products. It is evident how much the children love learning through play through their smiles and the conversations they are having.

What we love about play is the way it allows learning to go in directions that it might not usually. A great example of this is when children simply started talking about how England feels like home to them. From this came the urge to find out the current time in England which then led to finding out about how the sun works and why it is night in England and day in New Zealand - Authentic learning at its best!

How can you help on our play journey?

Resources! We are in need of a range of materials. We ask that if you are out and about that you collect things like shells, driftwood, sticks, stones, offcuts of wood, old piping - anything!

Do you have a different culture special to you?

We would love to learn about and celebrate the different cultures in our school. Please get in contact with your child's teacher if you would like to come in and talk about your culture with our tamariki.


Reading Folders: We ask that all junior children have a reading folder that they bring to and from school with their reading books. Each year we spend a significant amount of money on books and we want these to be looked after.

Clothes: Already, there is a large amount of lost property. Please ensure your child's belongings are clearly named so they can be easily returned. We also ask that children bring a spare change of clothes in their bags.

Tēnā rawa atu koutou,

Felicia Ward & the Junior Syndicate Team

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