Parents Group news

By Beth Downie | Posted: Thursday June 1, 2023

Ehara taku toa i te toa takitahi, engari kē he toa takitini ~ My success should not be bestowed onto me alone, it was not individual success but the success of a collective

Firstly, the parent group would like to thank everyone for their support with the Bakehouse on Bond fundraiser. We hope your freezers are nicely stocked with some winter warmers and delicious, sweet treats.

Kaikorai School Fair - the decision has been made to postpone the fair until 2024, when the school is completely finished and ready to showcase to our community. We will still start preparing for the fair later this year and will welcome volunteers who wish to be part of the planning. Watch out for information about this in upcoming newsletters.

The parent group would like to acknowledge Kelly Macknight and Charlotte Rivollet, who have recently stepped down. Kelly's significant contribution as secretary and her time to the parent group fundraisers and events over many years has been greatly appreciated and valued. Charlotte has also been involved in organising many parent group events over the years, and in particular, we thank her for her huge contribution of ideas and time to the annual calendar art fundraiser.

We have welcomed some new faces to the parent group recently and would encourage anyone else thinking about joining to come to our next meeting to see what it's all about. 

Our next meeting is Tuesday 15th August, at 7 pm in the staffroom.

Upcoming events

Pizza lunch - Friday 23rd June