We love our new library!

By Anya Matravers | Posted: Friday June 2, 2023

From our oldest students to our newest little faces, we are loving having such a wonderful new library to enjoy.

After the official opening of our new building the library is fast becoming a favourite place to be. Lunchtimes, library times, and any chance in between students can be found with their nose in book, curled into a cozy nook, building something spectacular in the lego room or lounging in the sun on the deck. 

I sent some of our fabulous senior librarians to find out what the favourite parts of the library are and unsurprisingly the deck, the cushions and the window seats were firm favourites.

Here are a snippet of some of the wonderful things our KAIK kids had to say:

Flynn R4: I like sitting on the lily pads on the couch next to the window.

Danica R5: I like the library because there are nice librarians and window seats.

Lucy R5: I like that it has lego in it and I like reading pirate books. I like to read the books where the windows are and how it is so peaceful and quiet.

Taliah Rm10: I like how it's nice and quiet and that there is a deck that you can hang out with your friends. I also like being a librarian because I can help little kids find the books that they want.

Evie R11: I love the library because when I walk in I see other people reading and it makes me feel cozy, and it’s nice to have a peaceful area in our school.

Reid R11: I like the library because it is a calm space and if it's been a rough day it's just nice to come into the library, pick up a book and read it.

Sophie R12:  I like the library because it is quiet and I like the deck and I also like the views from the window seats, it just makes me feel calm.

Cormac R13: I like how it has so many books. I like that the library has cushions, my favourite place to read is on the deck.


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