Middles News

By Amy McBeath | Posted: Thursday June 1, 2023

Ka mahi tahi mātou, kia ohoka te pitomata hai puananī. We will work together in order to awaken potential to freely travel in any chosen direction.


Our PBL is going well with enthusiasm for learning and developing ideas around space obvious in every classroom.  Students have been busy learning about different planets and other space objects, using their knowledge to create a 'new' planet characteristics of their choosing.  They have been exploring ideas around robotics and computer programming.  

It has been fantastic to see different students taking on leadership roles in our lessons, seeing themselves as successful learners, and clearly demonstrating the KAIK values.  We have also had a focus on giving and receiving feedback.  After creating informational posters and slides, creating programmes and robotic models, students have been working on giving constructive feedback to their peers.  This focus has encouraged some students to actively seek out feedback as well as to look for ways to improve their own work throughout the process.  Problem solving is also a key part of one of our milestones: Create a basic robotic model that could be used for space exploration.

Tūhura Otago Museum

Please complete this form for our visit to the Otago Museum on Wednesday the 21st of June.

During this trip, our students will be exploring how we can use innovation to explore space and Mātariki. Students will learn about the planets, stars and other astronomical systems, through our visit to the planetarium and galleries.

The cost for this trip will be $10, and will be added to your child's school account. We will be travelling by bus, and will need caregiver volunteers to help us along the way. If you are able to volunteer, please complete the section in regard to volunteers on the Google Form. We can only accept a maximum of three volunteers for each class for this visit, so please sign up quickly.

Finally, please make sure to complete the permission form below for your child to attend. We hope you can join us for this exciting and educational trip!

Room 2

Room 3

Room 4

Our Learning Street

We would like to say a big thank you to our parent group and board of trustees for some of the new resources and furniture that has helped to make our learning street a place for everybody in our syndicate to enjoy.  We have a quiet library space with some mini bookshelves and comfy cushions.  There is a space for our Zones of Regulation box for students who need a bit of time to reset.  We have a construction corner with some new Lego tables, and storage for our existing construction equipment.   

Lost property for our syndicate can now be found hanging on a clothing rack outside Room 1.  We already have students who are doing a fantastic job of hanging up any clothing that has been found lying around.  Anything from our lost property that has been left unclaimed for two weeks will then be taken to the school lost property wheelie bin by the hall.   

Noho ora mai. Kia pai tō rā whakatā. (Look after yourselves and have a great weekend).

Ngā mihi,

Amy McBeath and the Middle Syndicate

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