Junior News

By Felicia Ward | Posted: Wednesday June 28, 2023

Whaiwhia te kete mātauranga - Fill the basket of knowledge

PBL & Play

This term has truly been one of wonder and excitement. Our little astronauts-in-training have immersed themselves in all things space. No doubt, you have heard many space facts at home. Through play, we have witnessed creativity, innovation, problem-solving, and perseverance. Children have enjoyed constructing telescopes, rockets, constellations, and astronaut helmets. A highlight has been our trip to the museum, particularly the planetarium, where it felt like we were travelling through space. Today, we have enjoyed a well-deserved space celebration to recognize all the learning that has taken place this term. We look forward to sharing our space creations and learning with you next term during our Matariki celebrations.

Parent Interviews

Over the last few weeks, teachers have been working incredibly hard behind the scenes to write your child's report. We hope you found these reports informative and that they provided you with a clear insight into your child's progress. It was great to be able to catch up at parent interviews to delve deeper into these reports, discuss next steps, and celebrate your child's successes. The partnership between home and school is incredibly important, and we thank you for taking the time to attend.

Thank you

A big thank you must go to our wonderful team of teachers and support staff: Nicole, Paula, Kelsey, Courtney, Kristen, Sue, Kelly, Margaret, Jacinda, and AK. Thank you for your unwavering dedication to our students. You consistently go above and beyond to create a fun and safe learning environment in our school. Your commitment and hard work are truly appreciated. Enjoy a well-earned holiday!

Lastly, thank you to all of our little learners. Your smiles, 'ah-ha' moments, and laughter truly make our job the best.

We wish you all a safe and enjoyable holiday break and look forward to welcoming you back in Term 3.

Felicia Ward & the Junior Team

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