Tāniko Artwork

By Heidi Cleland | Posted: Tuesday June 13, 2023

E hara tāku toa i te takutahi, engari he toa takutini. My success is not the work of one, but the work of many.

This whakataukī took the Year 3 – 6 students on a learning journey based on tāniko patterns in the Māori culture.  Students learnt what tāniko is, where it is used, how it is made and some of the meanings of the patterns.

The artwork is almost completed (30 more panels to go) and is currently on display in the office.

In maths, student's built their skills in rotational, translational and reflective symmetry. In art they built their collage skills, folding before cutting, negative detail, overlapping and cutting several of the exact same shape.  We combined this learning to create these beautiful tāniko panels.

No two panels are the same showcasing our individuality, yet when grouped together they create a powerful display.