Week 1 Principal's news

By Beth Downie | Posted: Monday July 17, 2023

Matariki hunga nui Matariki, the gatherer of people.

We had a very special start to term 3 with our Kaikorai whānau gathering on Wednesday night. 

Coming together as a community to share our learning from the past term and celebrate our successes was powerful. Our Kaikorai kids were proud of their mahi and enjoyed showing their whānau their term two space creations. There certainly was a buzz in the air at the picnic, and it was great to see such a large turnout; thank you for coming along and sharing in the Matariki celebration.

We have a busy week next week with our annual school cross country (click the link) on Tuesday, where the whole school participates in a fun run. Please read the article to find out the times and arrangements. We hope to see you down at Bishopscourt Ground to cheer on our runners. 

The Parents' Group disco (click the link) is on Wednesday evening. Thank you for supporting this fundraiser for our school and to the Parent's Group for their efforts in organising.

Week 1 Principal's Awards ✨

Eli  For his wonderful fine-cutting skills in his lantern-making. Tino pai!

Neala  For enthusiastically engaging in her lantern-making, including following up at home. Tino pai!

Alexis For being a super friend in our class, including everyone and making our new students feel welcome.

Elliott For being a kind caring class member. Your positive nature is infectious and you make our classroom an awesome place to be! Ka pai hoki koe!

Caide For working hard during maths sessions to improve his addition basic facts. Ka pai!

Henry J For showing confidence in his knowledge of strategies to quickly solve basic addition and subtraction equations. Tino pai!

Lucy M For making huge progress in maths. Your hard work and effort is inspiring! Tino pai!

Sherlock For your perseverance and determination to achieve your goals. Keep up the great mahi!

Neve For striving for your personal best in our cross country training. You are showing perseverance and determination! Tino pai!

Jessica For showing aroha to our school library by tidying it up without being asked. You are such a kind Kaik kid!

Emma For her focus and positive attitude at writing time. You are trying so hard Emma. Keep up the fantastic effort!

Nisal For his enthusiasm and determination during our fitness sessions. Nisal, you persevere right to the end. Ka pai hoki koe!

Lukas For working hard during writing and sounding out words when you are stuck. Kai Pai!


For your thoughtful contributions during our circle time sessions. Your comments are helpful and considerate.

Caden For putting in the hard work to succeed. I am especially impressed with your persuasive writing and BEDMAS work!

Abigail For focusing in class and producing work of a high standard. You have had a great start to the new term. Mīharo!

Daytona  For having an enthusiastic attitude towards your learning and excellent problem solving skills during maths lessons. Ka pai!

Max M For working really hard in spelling to sound out your words, you are nailing it! Ka rawe!

Lucy D For giving all learning and new opportunities a go with an excellent attitude! You’re a star!

William D For making sensible decisions on who you are working with in class and focusing on learning in class time. Tino pai!

Blake For making a positive start to learning this term, always striving to do your best. Ka rawe!

Ernie For trying to follow instructions and listening carefully at mat times

Leo For amazing sounding out at writing time, tino pai

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