LEAP Writing Group Celebrations

By Kristen Ferguson | Posted: Sunday August 20, 2023

The LEAP (Literacy Extension Activities Program) class is comprised of 20 senior students who have a passion for writing.

Each day before getting into the "nitty-gritty'' of the class, we do a Power Write. This is where students have the opportunity to freely handwrite their ideas for 5 minutes. They are usually given a picture, object, word or story starter to help prompt their ideas, and they are encouraged to practice the strategies that have been taught so far. Our most recent focus has been on "Tightening the Tension" in our narratives. Students are thinking about how they can keep the reader interested and develop a series of problems for their characters to face. I asked the group to choose the Power Write they are most proud of so far. Below is one example of a Power Write each student has written:

A man sat on a deserted bench tears rolling from his eyes calling into space but no one called back.it was as though the world had ended it was so quiet except his desperate cries.  ~ Jack, Rm 11

I heard fingers screeching on a chalkboard behind me in a hotel hall there were heaps of reviews that the hotel was haunted because this lady died in room 102. ~ Eli, Rm 12

As I walked past a bench I saw a lonely sad old man. I walked up and hid behind a bush then I heard him cry. He said, "you may have left my life but you have not left my heart." For some reason I felt sad for him. I went up to him and said, "I hope you don’t mind me asking this, but, what happened? He said, “My daughter passed away of cancer.” Tears rolled down his eyes then he leaned into my shoulder and started sobbing. The next day I told my friends and said, “So could you please bring me flowers so I can make him a bouquet of flowers?” When they gave me the flowers I made the bouquet and left it on the bench from yesterday. He found them and gave me a smile. ~ Aria, Rm 11

“ You’re fired!”

“ Wait what?”

“ Yep. You’re fired.”

“ B-but I did all your favors. I-I did the filing on my own and even went overseas to get a special type of ginger and this is how you treat ME!” ~ Avery, Rm 12

CRACK! The wind blew off a rickety piece of wood from the twisting ladder. A light whistling sound came from the log. As it fell there was a thud as it landed. This is safe I told myself, the fog covered most of the ladder. Thump thump thump the monster was back. I had no choice but to go ahead… ~ Oliver, Rm 10

I promise I'll never forget you! Please stay, stay with me don’t go! The last thing I heard was a goodbye. As I sit there in tears praying for a miracle to happen. ~ Yeva, Rm 12

Icy fingers gripped my arm in the darkness of the cave. They pulled me almost instantly, still gripping onto my arm they pulled me through the thick, ice cold snow. I tried to scream but nothing came out. Horrified I tried to wriggle free but the ice cold hand gripped my arm harder. There was no way I could get away. I could tell they were not letting go. Then all of a sudden they threw me into a cave. The cave was eerie, but had a couple of fire lit torches. There was also a platter of food and boy was I hungry. I hadn't eaten in days. As I leaped toward the platter the icy fingers pulled me back grunting… ~ Violet, Rm 12

Annabeth was huddled in a cave trying to start a fire, she needed to survive. The rain was bucketing down outside and she had been gone for days. Her parents would be worried sick. She’d just gone out to hunt alone, what could have possibly gone wrong! this… ~ Riley, Rm 9

Icy fingers gripped my arm in the gloomy muddy darkness. As I screamed I felt a hand cover my mouth. It wasn't an ordinary hand. I could only just feel that there weren't five fingers, there were only four grrrr who was that they let me go …… ~ Amelia, Rm 11

I was on a hike one day when I came across old crooked stairs. It was hard to see because of all the misty fog, so I didn't know what to do! They were brown and mysterious, just like my grandads shorts. If I fell I could die, but I want to find out wha's up there. Should I go? ~ Mia, Rm 10

I wake up and hear loud wailing sirens. I jump out of my bed in a hurry. I am so confused. What is happening? Then without hesitation I throw myself out of the window. I am very stressed out. I think I might have a panic attack. I climb up a tree to see what the sirens were all about. Then, I see it out of the corner of my eye - I see a humongous flood destroying the marvelous town that I used to live in. ~ Ben, Rm 9

I walked up the hill. I saw an old rusty, creaky, moldy staircase. I put one foot on the stairs, and walked up, down, up, down. Finally made it but all I see is fog, so I ran ahead.  ”OWW!” I heard as I ran into something hard and small. Then I looked down and saw a little gnome. Suddenly, he moved and made me jump out of my pants! ~ Morgan, Rm 10

Cautiously I ran through the shadows. Then suddenly a giant beast leapt out of the shadows cornering me! Panic ripped through me like never before! I felt cold sweat trickle down my back. In alarm I leapt through its gigantic feet and ran faster than ever before. Then before my eyes a beast even bigger than before jumped in front of me. I screamed as it pounced and opened its jaws… ~ Libby, Rm 9

Icy fingers gripped my arm in the darkness. They were cold and I turned to stone as I was being gripped by this thing in the dark. It was dead silent and I was being watched. I was in a dark room of some sort with no windows there was nothing in the room pitch black - nothingness. I heard the deep breaths and the screeches of the creature lurking in the dark. I had the urge to move but I didn’t want to. Tap!Tap!Tap! I heard the footsteps and the knocking from the creature.They got closer! ”Who’s there?" I shouted. Then I turned and…roaaaaah! I woke up to the sound of a fire. I was in front of a fire in the woods and I proceeded to walk through the woods but I felt like I was not alone, so I then took things in the surroundings like sticks and tied them together with stem off the big leaves and made a torch with it by putting it in the fire. I walked through the weeping woods, branches snapped in half...~ Aiden, Rm 10

I could see flashing lights. Then out of the corner of my eye I saw a small kitten. Slowly I moved closer. Panic and dread ran through my cold sweat (I'm allergic to cats). I took another nervous step. "Hello.¨ The cat said in a cheerful voice. "Don't mind the lights, it's just my cousin playing with the electrical panel. ~ Martha, Rm 9

There was a sudden, uneasy panic when my cold sweat dangled against my forehead. Lia, Libby and I were scared. We walked cautiously around my garden looking for any evidence. Without hesitation a tree branch snapped off! “How could that have happened?” I wondered…~ Rosie, Rm 9

It was a grim day as I came back from a funeral. I blinked through the tears I tried to stop. Suddenly icy fingers gripped my arm in the darkness. I tried to scream but nothing came out. In a heart stopping moment a sack went over my head. The sack smelled over 1000 years old. Finally the sack gets pulled off but no one’s there. Once again I feel those icy fingers on me. ~ Nia, Rm 12

Icy fingers gripped my arm in the darkness, pulling me back. “Keep mining,” one told me. The people were mining all around the ice cavern. I see a bright light ahead. It’s a portal. I slide down my hole I’ve made and look at it. Suddenly, CRACK! The ice is pulled inside the portal. I am being dragged in. “HELP!” I cry. I am pulled through but my chains keep me from going that far. Suddenly the portal closes, sawing through my chains and I am left there. I look up - a massive creature about as tall as a skyscraper -it’s a Kaiju! ~ Freddie, Rm 11

I see fingers grip my arm in the dark. I quickly run away. I hear footsteps chasing me. I hide in an instant. I hear the footsteps getting closer, and closer and closer. I still my breath, and get ready to run until he offers me ice cream. Wait…what? You just wanted to give me ice cream? ~ Theo, Rm 10

Darkness was looming in the air as I was walking in the woods. The shadows of trees were dancing in the air, as I walked one step closer into the woods, I hear a GRRRRRR! I looked from side to side to see where the scary sound was coming from. My hands were shaking. ~ Addison, Rm 11

Mā te pohewa mā te auaha hoki, ka whakapuaki ngā kura e huna ana. ~ With imagination and creativity a hidden jewel can be revealed.