O'MAthlon 2023

By Mark Pickering | Posted: Friday August 25, 2023

Thursday was a big day for 12 Year 5 and 6 students who had won spots to compete in the 2023 O’MAthlon on Thursday 24th August.

O’MAthlon is a fast paced team problem solving competition or race, depending on which way you look at it. We had 3 teams entered, 1 year 5 and 2 year 6. To get selected into the teams we had 2 different in class qualification rounds, the first in groups, the second was individual. From both of these the teams were selected and off to the Edgar Centre we went.

The tension and excitement was pulsing through the arena, the year 6’s were up first and after locating their table and tracking the path to the marker it was nearly time to go. The team work on display by the 2 Kaikorai teams was outstanding. The drive, passion and out and out pace was great to see and after a hard fought 30 minutes it was over. We had a couple of really good results with Kaikorai A consisting of Holly, William, Benny and Evie placing 24th and Hanh Minh, Penelope, Benny and Eli of Kaikorai B placing 5th out of 38 teams.

The long build up was over for the year 5’s and after 30 minutes of watching what happens in a O’Mathlon and cheering for the year 6’s it was time to step up and have a crack. Again the amazing attitude of the team was easy to see and the amount they were buzzing after the competition was over shows how much they enjoyed the event. The year 5 team of Pippa, Htin Bhone, Theo and Avery finished in 4th equal place out of 33 teams.

We would like to thank the parents and grandparents that transported us, were markers on the day and supported us from the crowd as well as Ms Downie for coming down and cheering us on.

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