Junior News

By Felicia Ward | Posted: Thursday September 21, 2023

He aha te mea nui o te ao? He tangata! He tangata! He tangata! What is the most important thing in the world? It is people! It is people! It is people!

PBL & Play

We have had a lovely end to the term, celebrating our first-ever Junior Games. The sun shone down as our Junior Games 'presidents,' Albert and Fynn, declared the games officially open. Our tamariki were buzzing as they spent time at different stations, all based around the Te Whare Tapa Whā wall of taha tinana (physical well-being). Smiles were seen, and laughter was heard as they completed relays, obstacle courses, dancing, and games. It truly was the best way to celebrate a big term of learning.

Next term, we look forward to getting creative as we prepare for our art exhibition. Not only will we create beautiful art pieces, but we will also explore different art elements and have fun playing with various art mediums.

Upcoming Events & Reminders

  • Swimming: Monday, 9th of October - Wednesday, 18th of October. Please complete the permission form if you have not already: Permission Form Link.
  • Kaikorai Athletics Day: Tuesday, 31st of October, at the Caledonian.
  • Sun hats: School sun hats are a requirement for Terms 1 & 4. These can be purchased from the school office.
  • Change of clothes: Please ensure your child has a spare change of clothes in their bag. Also, we would appreciate any items of children's clothing that you no longer need for our spare clothes collection.

Thank You

Firstly, we wish to thank our two wonderful student teachers, Miss Clementson, who has been with us since the beginning of the year, and Miss Flanagan, who joined us this term. Thank you, Isabelle and Grace, for all you have done for our children. You will be very missed, and we wish you well in what we know will be successful teaching careers.

Thank you also to our fabulous junior team: Nicole, Paula, Courtney, Kelsey, Kristen, Maggie, Kelly, Sue, Margaret, AK, and Becky. In what has been a challenging term juggling many sicknesses, these incredible ladies have continued to ensure that the same meaningful and rich learning experiences occur. You truly are our rockstars in our little people's lives - thank you!

Finally, we thank you - parents, caregivers, grandparents, aunties, and uncles. It really is a team effort, and we cannot thank you enough for the support you give us and your children. We feel very lucky to have the community we do!

Enjoy a safe, happy, and (hopefully) warm holiday break. We look forward to welcoming you back in Term 4!

Felicia Ward & the Junior Team

Term 3 Highlights 

My favourite thing about this lovely term is maths. The best part of maths is multiplication and times. I love trying new things and learning other things. It is so fun when I do! I also appreciate how each of the symbols mean different things.

By James

My highlight this term was Polyfest at the Edgar Centre. Whaea Ana taught us so well. Her son also performed on stage for his intermediate. Everyone from our school got there by bus. It was my first time so it was a bit scary. I am going to do Kapa Haka every year at Kaikorai School and I will continue when I am at Intermediate.

By Alana

My highlight was the Kapa Haka Polyfest at the Edgar Centre. Our tutor Whaea Ana helped us learn and practise for the celebration. We went on the bus and my whānau came to watch me. I felt very confident on stage. One of my songs was the school song and the haka. When I am in the seniors I will do Polyfest again.

By Nollie

My favourite part of this term was the Zespri Young and Healthy Virtual Adventure. It was amazing because we had pedometers. We could enter big numbers like ten thousand, four hundred and sixty one. We ended in New York City. We showed the person who made the challenge our school Jump Jam. It was a super duper fun challenge!

By Jonathan

My highlight this term was the whānau celebration. Sofia and I shared our picnics and it was really yummy. We even got some sweets. The lantern walk was my favourite part. I had so much fun!

By Lara

My favourite part of the term was when we retold the story called “Adventures in the Molar System''. One day we might be a famous adventurer in the molar system movie company. We were able to use water colours and make covers to complete a whole entire book.

By Addi

My favourite part of the term was the football Kaik Cup with the school. My team got a certificate for the most sportsmanship. I had a lot of fun. It was at school because the FIFA World Cup was in Dunedin.

By Bodhi

My favourite part of the term is making my book. It was called Adventures in the Molar System. First we watched a video and then we wrote about it. Next we published it and then we added pictures. I still have to finish my cover. I am going to draw superheroes on my cover.

By Isla

My favourite part of the term is making books. Our retell story was called Adventures in the Molar System. First we did the writing. Then we drew the pictures. We could dye them or use colouring in pencils. After we did that we did our cover. I will put the Duke of Decay on my cover.

By Jessica

My favourite bit of the term was the Neon Disco. It was at 5:30pm in the evening and it finished at 7:00pm. I wore my tie-dyed t-shirt. I wore my tie-dyed hoodie. I got two pieces of pizza, three ice blocks and eight lemonades. The Kaik Kids were amazing so the Parent Group gave us a disco.

By Noah

My favourite thing about this term was creating our book called the Adventures in the Molar System. We watched a video about Wilder and then we published. Next we drew our cover and then we dyed it. We had to be considerate and work sensibly.

By Andreas

My highlight this term was Polyfest at the Edgar Centre. We got there on the bus. There were three buses from our school and I sat next to Nollie. I wore my school top and a headband. I was nervous because there were heaps of people. I am excited to do Kapa Haka again next year.

By Precious

I liked learning about volume and capacity in maths this term. We used bottles. We used lego and rice to fill the bottles and work out the capacity. I have also enjoyed our maths stations because they have fun problems in it.

By Kaelem

My highlight this term was reading with Mrs Fisher. I read lots of different books. My favourite story is “No Skipper.” I also loved making the cut up stories.

By Emery

My highlight of this term was the football tournament. I was in the team for South Africa but we lost both of our games. The score for the first game was three points to two points. The score for the second game was one to zero points.

By Conner

I liked maths because I am on skill 14. I can finish it in one minute because it is easy for me. I think Mad Maths is fun. I am going to move onto skill 15, then 16, then 17 and lastly skill 18.

By Amber

I have enjoyed Mad Maths because I keep moving up levels. I am now learning some division problems. I can now divide by two and we work on it everyday after our snack attack.

By Siaosi

My favourite part of the term was making the oral health books. I’m enjoying retelling the Adventures in the Molar System story because we might become famous! We did it because Miss Wilson let us watch the actual video. My favourite part was drawing Wilder. I enjoyed it because it was really fun and the whole class was busy creating a book.

By Freddie

I liked the sensory room because it is a quiet room to visit when you feel angry or upset. I like it because it helps you feel happy. It is good because it is small and cosy. It is calming when you're in the red zone. I also liked the Neon Disco because I won lots of treats at the limbo game. Neve and Hattie took a photo with me.

By Piper 

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