Nau mai hoki mai

By Beth Downie | Posted: Thursday October 5, 2023

Nau mai haere mai, welcome to our new caretaker Mr. Kim Glennie and our newest Kaik Kids - Saige, Fearne, Edward and Rakaia, we are happy you are here.

Welcome to Term 4 Kaikorai whānau, 

I hope your children had a well-rested, healthy and enjoyable holiday.

As always, there are a lot of important dates in our calendar. 

This term, we see school swimming, an art exhibition, day trips for middles and Y5s, a school disco, fundraising through raffles, Y6 camp, summer sports and our athletics day.

You can find all important events and dates on our school calendar on the website.

These all require whānau help to go ahead. Thanks in advance for helping us deliver these fantastic opportunities.

You will notice our new line marking on the courts. A huge thanks need to go to Sport Otago for facilitating this for us and to the crew from Fulton Hogan for their mahi in the holidays. 

The seed has been sewn on the backfield, and let's hope the weather warms the soil to encourage some healthy growth. 

I encourage you to look around the new line marking, check out the backfield and see our new spaces.

On Monday, we have a shipping container, "the wool shed"  being dropped off at the carpark - this is a visit from Wool in Schools and is part of our term 4 arts focus. If you'd like to visit with your pre-schooler, please let me know, and I can take them for a tour and do some activities.

School hats - These are compulsory in term 4. Hats can be purchased from the school office.

Parents Group raffle - A reminder from the Parents Group that they are collecting raffle prizes for our upcoming art exhibition in week 6. If you can, please send along raffle prizes that fit the theme of "A Taste of Otago" - e.g. local honey, peanut butter, and vouchers for local experiences or retailers - We would be grateful for your contributions; please send them to the office.

As always, thank you for your support, and please don't hesitate to catch me at the gate, pop in to see me, or email me.

Ngā manaakitanga


[email protected]

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