Senior News-Nāu te rourou, nāku te rourou, ka ora ai te iwi.

By Bridget McDowall | Posted: Thursday November 16, 2023

This whakatauki is about community, collaboration and a strengths-based approach. It acknowledges that everybody has something to offer, and we can all flourish by working together.

What’s On…

  • Tuesday 21st November: Otago Athletics Day

  • Wednesday 22nd November-Squash Session for the PALS

  • Friday 24th November: Teacher Only Day

  • Tuesday 28th Nov-Friday 1st December: Year 6 Camp/Year 5 Outdoor Education Week

  • Monday 4th December: Last day of swimming/hydroslide

  • Tuesday 5th December: Trinity College Pantomime

  • Wednesday 6th December: Balmacewen Intermediate Open Day/Drama Club Performance.

  • Thursday 7th December: School Disco

  • Friday 8th December: Rūma Tekau Mā Tahi Assembly

  • Tuesday 12th December: Year 6 Leaver’s Celebration

  • Friday 15th December: Last Day of Term/Values Assembly

Celebrating Success

Fred Hollows Humanity Awards-Talia Hargreaves

Congratulations to Talia, who was nominated by our senior teachers and was one of the ten finalists across New Zealand in the Fred Hollows Humanity Awards. Talia has demonstrated the values of compassion, integrity and kindness. The Fred Hollows Humanity Awards are a global movement created to recognise primary-age students who strive to make the world around them better.

Jump Jam National Champions

Congratulations to ‘The Kaikorai Freak Show’ on winning the National Jump Jam competition! We are so proud of you!

Otago Literacy Poetry Competition

Congratulations to Taylor Gillan! She placed second in the Year 4-6 age group with this poem.


In the stillness of a lake, where I can see myself shine, a power of thoughts makes me think I'm divine.

In the depths of my reflection, I find the essence of my connection.

I find my true self.

A mirror of my soul reveals the parts that make me whole.

Images bounce around in my vision as I make my final decision.

The choices I've made to be my true self,

I figured that I am who I am and who I want to be.

By Taylor Gillan

The Kaikorai Art Exhibition

Thank you for supporting the Kaikorai Art Exhibition! We hope you enjoyed viewing the art as much as we enjoyed creating it.

The exhibition tells the story of our hapori, what we love about it, and the aspects of it that are important to us.

Some of our art tells the story of Rākaihautū and his kin of Te Kāhui Tipua, Te Kāhui Roko, and Te Kāhui Waitaha, who boarded the Uruao and navigated their way by the stars to Te Waipounamu. Rākaihautū visited the Kaikorai stream to rest and gather kai on his way down the South Island. This is an important part of our history and will soon be represented in our school murals.

Senior School Swimming

Lesson dates- Monday 20/11, 27/11, 4/12.

The life jacket sessions have started. Please remember to bring clothing to swim in for the life jacket lessons. Your child will need long pants and a long-sleeved top.

Life Jacket Sessions

  • Mon 20th Nov with Milla’s Groups

  • Mon 27th Nov with Luka’s Groups

Hydro-Slide and Swim

On Monday the 4th of December we will have our last swimming lesson and then an hour of swimming time. This will include the hydroslide.

We require additional parent helpers for this session. Please email your child’s teacher if you can help. Unfortunately, we cannot swim and slide after the lesson if we do not have enough helpers.

Senior Football Tournament

Kirsten and Cam from Football South visited this week to run a football tournament for our team. Room 9A and 12A played in the grand final, with Room 12A victorious at the final whistle. Each class received a brand-new football, and prizes were given for good sportsmanship and volunteering to help with scorekeeping. Eli, Taliah, Ivy and Tayla were awarded these prizes.

Maths-Rich Problem Solving

Senior students are learning to solve problems using various math strategies this term. These activities are interesting and engaging and assist students in retaining and applying a broad range of mathematical concepts. A rich task presents a high level of cognitive demand and requires students to think abstractly to make connections to mathematical concepts.

Road Patrol Training

On Wednesday, the 22nd of November, Year 5 students interested in being a 2024 road patroller will train with Constable Ross Greer. Year 5 students will cover road patrol while Year 6 students are at camp in week 8.

Year 6 Camp

Camp is quickly approaching! Please email me if you have any questions. You should have received a packing list and a list of reminders. Students have received a paper copy, and I have emailed this information, too.

  1. The bus will leave school on Tuesday, 28th of November, at 10:00 am. Please meet in the Senior Learning Street at 9 am with your bags.

  2. We will head straight to Camp Columba and eat lunch when we arrive. Please remember your packed lunch.

  3. Some students will be travelling on the bus and some via private transport. Those travelling in private transport will receive a form to sign and return to school. Only students with signed permission can travel via private transport.

  4. Remember a pillow, sleeping bag and a warm rug!

  5. Bring one of the following: Baking, a bag of fruit or cheese and crackers. These can be kept in your bag or handed to the teachers. This food will be shared and used for morning tea, afternoon tea and supper during the week. ALL FOOD MUST BE NUT FREE! Please label gluten-free products.

  6. Do not send along other food, i.e. lollies and snacks for bunkrooms. We have some students with severe allergies.

  7. Please hand medication to the Camp first aid person (Mrs McDowall or Miss Hardie). Please remember to take a travel sickness tablet if you get sick travelling by bus.

  8. Please remember hair ties if you have long hair- hair must be tied back during most activities.

  9. We will visit the Gore pool on Friday before returning to Dunedin.

  10. The bus will arrive back at school on Friday, the 1st of December, at approximately 3:00 pm.

Year 5 Activity Week

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