Middles News

By Amy McBeath | Posted: Thursday November 16, 2023

Te toi whakairo, ka ihiihi, ka wehiwehi, ka aweawe te ao katoa. Artistic excellence makes the world sit up in wonder.

Tirohanga Day Trip

Our trip to Tirohanga this year was a huge success which was only possible due to the amazing parent support that we had.  It was wonderful to see students demonstrating the KAIK values and feeling supported in taking on a range of physical challenges.  Reading through the comments students have written to parents, as well as their recounts of the day have highlighted why our trip to Tirohanga is so important for our students.  

PBL Art Exhibition

Hopefully you were all able to pop in and see all of the amazing art that we had been working on as part of our PBL this term.  A lot of effort went into creating our pieces for the art exhibition, and students enjoyed trying new things.  One of the highlights was working collaboratively as a team. As part of this, we shared the history of the area and Rākaihautu's naming of Kai Karae (which later became known as Kaikorai) and the significance of the Kaikorai Stream.  Students then had the opportunity to work with different people in our syndicate to create their own clay fish hooks with some pāua added to finish it off.

KAIK Values

It has been a busy term with lots of fantastic activities packed into our weeks.  Regular reminders about how we can be showing the KAIK values in the last part of the term will be given.  We know that when we get tired, we can get a little bit grumpy and a little bit clumsy, so we are emphasising how important it is to take a moment to be kind to ourselves and others.  

Our swimming survey will still be open for another week if you have not already responded to this.  Your feedback is appreciated and is used to plan our swimming schedule for 2024.

Swimming Survey

Ngā mihi from the Middles Team

Recounts of our trip to Tirohanga

First, We went on the obstacle course. First was standing on a beam. Then you hold onto a Rope and slide down. Then you walk on a seesaw, then you walk on an X, And lots more my favourite was the 3 tires.

Then I was on the bouldering wall. I made it to the end but it was really, really hard. But it was really fun. I fell of but I got back up. Then we had some lunch.

Then I went on a bush walk. We went to the doubletree. When we got to the top we had some healthy fruit(not really).

When I got home I was really, really, really excited to tell my parents about my day.

By Philip

On Monday the 30th of October it was probably one of the best days of my life,because we went to Tirohanga!!! I can’t wait to tell you about it.

The first activity was the bouldering wall. I crawled along it like a spider!!! In some places it was pretty hard but I got on with it.

After that we went to the confidence course. First we started at the end. Last year when the long pole was there, I had to jump down, but this year I didn't because it was easy. I had to do this really hard thing when you had to climb down backwards down a rope but I didn’t make it the same as last year too.

After we went to lunch, we played tag for a bit then we got a frisbee and played a little bit of touch luckily it didn’t break. After that we had to line up for the bush walk.

On the bush walk me and Henry walked together. When we got to the top, we got fresh fruit which was a Fruit Burst. Then me and Henry went huhu grub hunting. Eventually we found one. Everyone crowded around it. Sadly someone squished it. We couldn’t go the falcon way because they would have been tired of the other group so we went back the way we came.

When I got home I told my mum all about it.Goodbye

by Felix.

On Monday 30th of Oct,I had the best day ever!We went to this camp called Tirohanga from 9:15 am until 2:45 and I’m super excited to tell you all about it.

First, I went on something called “the bouldering wall”. It was a bit like a climbing wall, but instead of going up, we went across. It was so fun I did it about 5 times!

Next, we did the confidence course. It’s a bit like an obstacle course, but in the trees! I felt a bit scared at first, but then I got used to it. When I had finished it, I was really proud of myself and thanked all the people that supported me. We had some time before lunch so we played a game called gaga ball that led up to lunch time.

For lunch, I had: an apple,a panachocola, an up ‘n’ go and a brownie. I was hungry like a tiger. When it was play time Harriet, Adele and I rolled down the grassy hill and played with a frisbee. It was SO fun!

After lunch, we went on a bush walk. On the way there, it was basically only up hill. It took us almost an hour to go up! At the top, we got Fruit Bursts! On the way back, it took us like 5 minutes.

I’m so excited to go home and tell my parents about my fun day!

By Poppy

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