News from our Board of Trustees

By Beth Downie | Posted: Wednesday February 14, 2024

Welcome back. I hope you and your children have enjoyed the start of the school year. It was lovely to see so many families and whānau at the Meet the Teacher BBQ. I really enjoyed wandering around and watching current, past and future students interacting, playing and having a great time. It was also lovely to meet new families to the school. I hope you also enjoyed the evening. 

Community and getting involved in your children/'s) learning is very important, and one of the goals outlined in our Strategic Plan for Kaikorai over the next couple of years, “ Mahi Tahi – Working Together as a Community”, Foster and demonstrate visible connection and collaboration, between the school and the community. There are many ways you can get involved at Kaikorai: helping your child with their spelling homework, reading together, parent help with a sports team or on a class trip, our parent's group, our school fair, and events like Meet the Teacher and end-of-term showcase.

The Board meet approximately every 4- 6 weeks, and at our most recent Hui this week, we discussed the possibility of co-opting a Mana Whenua/Māori Representative onto the Board; as such, we are currently seeking expressions of interest for a Mana Whenua/Māori Representative. If you are interested, please email [email protected]. We would love to hear from you.

Term one has started with lots of activity, and the Board is eagerly awaiting plans from playground designers to enhance our play space for your Tamariki; this will be a major investment for the Board and will be supported by our Parents Group and the Fair Fundraiser later in Term 3. We are also very excited about the upcoming work to upgrade Room Tekau mā toru to make this a more functional indoor/outdoor learning space for our new entrants. But it is not all about our physical environment; we are also focused on the well-being of our tamariki and Staff and the development of the delivery of the curriculum to ensure that it will foster engagement and success.

As always, please feel free to reach out to the Board if you have any concerns. Otherwise, I look forward to meeting you again at our next Kaikorai event.

Ngā mihi mahana

Katie Devereux

Presiding Chair

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