Week 3 Principal's news

By Beth Downie | Posted: Monday February 12, 2024

To our families that celebrate the Lunar New Year, we wish you a prosperous year of the dragon.

Our programmes are fully underway, as this is our first full week back. Fitness and daily movement have been an integral part of our day, and this is combined with teamwork, communication, and displaying the school's values. There is learning all around us.

Many whānau have taken the opportunity to kōrero with me about how to best support their child during these early days of the new term. My advice is to keep the narrative and the language used positive and encouraging, find some good in every day when discussing 'how was your day', and use the word YET...If your child is struggling with an activity, task, or skill and says, “I can't do this”, a simple reply is “, You can't do this yet!” By adding in the word “yet”, you are telling your child that one day they will be successful and to keep trying!

Sports teams are underway; again, let's keep the narrative on the sideline positive and encouraging. Our parent coaches are volunteers, and we need to make this a positive experience for our parent helpers and our players. Thank you to all our coaches, managers and volunteers.

Principal's awards


For always showing amazing persistence in his learning as well as displaying impeccable manners. Ka rawe!

Leia H

For being a super-engaged learner in Rūma tekau mā rua, you are a role model and have a thirst for learning. Ka pai hoki koe!


For your hard work and perseverance when completing your self-portraits even when things didn’t go to plan. Your artwork looks wonderful. Ka pai hoki koe!


For always being kind to those around you, being super focused and giving your all to tasks. Ka rawe!

Henry K

You have kicked off the school year with an impressive start, showing focus and enthusiasm towards learning. Tino Pai!

Toby W

Well done on a great start to the school year. You have a very positive attitude and produce work of a high standard. Mīharo!


For your incredible start to Kaikorai Primary. I am especially impressed with your football skills, tino pai!


For the exceptional effort you put into keeping your books tidy and presentable in class. Ka pai hoki koe!


For an amazing start to 2024. What a wonderful role model you are to others in your class. Tino pai rawa atu!


For a wonderful start to the new year. You are always ready and willing to help others and are displaying fantastic leadership skills. Ka pai hoki koe!

Georgie M

For an excellent start to the new year. You are a kind, caring friend to everyone in our class. Mīharo!


For an outstanding start to the year by showing the Kaik values and being a positive role model to others. Ka pai


For a positive attitude towards your learning. You are always focused and contribute fabulous ideas during classroom discussions. Ka pai hoki koe!


Your enthusiasm and positive attitude shines through everyday. You are always ready for learning and willing to help. Ka rawe!


For showing KAIK values and working hard to try his best when completing tasks. Ka pai hoki koe!


For showing great kindness to others! He rawe tō āwhina mai - you are a great helper!


For a fabulous start to the year. You have been trying so hard with all of your work. Keep up the great effort.


For an awesome start to the year. You are a ray of sunshine in our class, always smiling and being a kind, caring friend to all.


For a fantastic start to gaining your writing Powergoal and striving toward your next goal. Ka rawe!

Hannah M

For learning to correctly use commas in a list and for gaining your first Powergoal! Ka rawe!

Archer M

For an amazing start to school. Your enthusiasm for learning is next level!

Hannah W

For putting in a huge effort into all your learning. An outstanding start to school. Ka rawe! 

As always, thank you for your support.

Ngā manaakitanga


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