Tūī Hapori News

By Amy McBeath | Posted: Thursday March 7, 2024

Mauri tū, mauri ora - An active soul is a healthy soul.

It's hard to believe that we are already halfway through the term.  Children in Tūī Hapori have been busy working through lots of different activities as we build on the routines and expectations set up at the beginning of the term.  It is wonderful hearing students keen to share what they've been learning at school, and having a strong desire to continue some of this learning at home.  We look forward to meeting with you next week for our Teacher-whānau learning conversations.  This will be a chance to talk with you about your child's learning, goals, and how their 2024 year has started.


There is still time for you to get involved and share any aspects of your family culture.  This could be favourite recipes that have been passed on through generations or traditional foods you love to make. It might be traditional stories, or special songs and dances.  If you can, please spend some time having a conversation as a family about culture, special family traditions, or simply things that are special to you. This will help us as we explore ideas in class.  

PBL Showcase

How can we celebrate and share the beautiful tapestry of cultures in our school community?

When: Tuesday the 9th of April

Time: 2 pm-4 pm

How will this look?

-Visit your child's class and view their PBL learning for the term.

-Parents will meet in the hall at 2 pm for a performance from Kapa Haka, the Choir, and the Ukulele group.

-After the performances, the parents will visit the classrooms to see the PBL learning for the term.

-The event will finish at 4 pm.

Move it March

Move it March Facebook Page

Each child has been given a Walk and Wheel card to fill in each day. Once the card is complete, it can be handed in for a chance to win a prize. The card can be completed by walking or wheeling to school each day. Please ensure that your child is wearing a helmet if wheeling to school.

Themes for the month.

Each week of Move It March has its own theme

Week 1 – Gaining Confidence

Week 2 - Be Bright, Be Seen

Week 3 - Adventure

Week 4 – Connecting

Walk to School day is on Friday the 15th of March. This is a dress-up day! The theme is, ‘Be Bright, Be Seen’ 


Please remember that during term 1, students are expected to be wearing their school hats outside during break and fitness times. While regular reminders are given lots of encouragement is given for demonstrating our KAIK value of independence, we still have a number of students who have not got a hat to wear at school. Please check with your child to make sure that they have their hat at school.

The amount of lost property continues to grow. Please make sure that clothing is named as it is much easier to return when we know who it belongs to.

Heoi anō tāku mō nāianei (that's all for now)

Amy McBeath, Jill Kumar, and Emma Anderson

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