Tūī Hapori

By Amy McBeath | Posted: Thursday July 4, 2024

Kia hora te marino, kia whakapapa pounamu te moana, kia tere te kārohirohi i mua i tō huarahi.May peace be widespread, may the sea glisten like greenstone, and may the shimmer of light guide you on your way.

PBL - Project Based Learning

As we conclude this term, we are thrilled to share the incredible progress our students have made through our project-based learning this term with a focus on science. Each class embarked on various experiments related to physical science, allowing students to dive deep into topics such as forces, energy, and matter. Throughout these projects, students not only conducted hands-on experiments but also embraced the role of scientists. They engaged in writing reports, collaborating with their peers, and articulating their findings clearly and confidently.

A highlight of our term was our final milestone which was presenting our work to others. Our three classes combined into mixed groups to present their learning. This session provided a dynamic platform for students to share their experiments, ask insightful questions, and learn from one another's experiences. We were incredibly impressed with the focus and enthusiasm displayed during this sharing session - especially at the end of term. Students demonstrated a high level of engagement and curiosity, and displayed our KAIK values!

We are proud of the enthusiasm and hard work our students have shown and look forward to continuing to nurture their passion for science. 

Next term, our focus will be around our upcoming school fair, and creating some products to sell.

Whānau-Teacher Learning Conversations

We would like to thank you for joining with us in the recent whānau-teacher learning conversations. Your commitment to engaging with us and discussing your child's progress is invaluable. These conversations provide wonderful opportunities for collaboration, allowing us to work together to support each student's learning journey. Your insights and feedback help us best meet the needs of the children in our class. Thank you for your continued support and partnership in fostering a nurturing and effective learning environment.

Finally, we hope you are able to spend some quality time together over the holiday break. We look forward to seeing everybody next term, refreshed after a well deserved break.

Many thanks from Tūī Hapori:

Jill Kumar

Emma Anderson

Amy McBeath

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