By Ruth Faulkner | Posted: Wednesday May 15, 2024
Pīwakawaka Hapori have two had new Kaiako join us. It is our pleasure to introduce you to Mrs Samantha Baker who is teaching in Rūma Waru, and Miss Immy Youngs who will be teaching in Rūma Tahi while Courtney Dunn is on leave.
So far this term...
Rūma Rima has been investigating Physics through a range of hands-on experiments involving polymers, magnetism and sound. We used tamariki ideas to change the variables and then predicted if they would result in a different outcome. Then, we tested our theory like real Scientists! In Maths, we have been diving into measurement by looking at things we can measure- particularly volume, mass, and capacity. Then, within our immediate environment, children used a variety of objects and devices to explore these concepts. We have also been focusing on Place Value using hundreds, tens and one's houses with rods and cubes, then writing a number story to represent our thinking. Our Science investigations link well to recounts and basic explanation Writing. We drew diagrams and wrote about: what our predictions would be, equipment used, hypothesis (why or how it happened), as well as how we could alter the experiment using different materials. During Circle Time for Wellbeing Week, we discussed ‘how to be a good friend’ and ‘kindness - using kind words and kind hands.’
We have had a wonderful start to the second term in Rūma ono. In mathematics, our focus has been on fractions. Through engaging in problem-solving tasks and hands-on activities with resources like play dough, we have delved into the world of fractions and even created fraction strips. In Project-Based Learning, we have explored forces and motion. We are now diving into the fascinating topics of light and colour, which tie in beautifully with our current information writing unit. Additionally, we have enjoyed time with our buddy class, collaborating on designing shirts for Pink Shirt Day. During this time, we discussed the significance of kindness, celebrating differences, and the importance of standing up against bullying. Our tuakana-teina buddy time continues to be a highlight for all of us.
What a busy start to Term Two it has been!
Over the last few weeks, Rūma Whitu has enjoyed discovering the physical world through a science lens. The children have had an exciting 'hands-on' time exploring learning activities based on magnetism, gravity, and floating and sinking concepts. Some highlights have been constructing tin foil boats, designing 'paper clip' race tracks, and creating artwork using paint and magnets. Rūma Whitu has also enjoyed having Miss Kinraid, a Second Year Student Teacher, taking us for dance, science and art lessons. Thank you Miss Kinraid for preparing some interesting learning experiences for us. Maths time has seen some amazing problem-solving around skip counting and capacity and developing our basic facts knowledge. Our writing time has included using keywords and phrases to describe our science investigations.'Well-being Week' has been a time to listen to calming music, use our 'Kindness Superpower,' participate in Cosmic Yoga sessions, and sing some relaxing songs.
Every Monday and Tuesday morning Room 8 and Room 13 meet together to play cooperative games. We have been learning to join in, take turns, and move in our own space. We love to move about in different ways and play lots of games. This week, we explored forces and pushing and pulling. We got in teams and pulled on a tightrope, it was so much fun and we used lots of energy pulling the rope as hard as possible. We also looked at pushing and with our partners sang ‘row, row, row your boat’ we could feel the difference between pushing and pulling. We shared our ideas and decided that pushing something makes something move away from us and pulling things bring them closer.