Tūī Hapori News

By Amy McBeath | Posted: Wednesday April 10, 2024

Kāhore taku toa i te toa takitahi, he toa takitini - We cannot succeed without the support of those around us.

It's hard to believe we're already at the end of term 1! What a busy but fun term it has been.

Classes have been busy over the last few weeks building their knowledge of their own and other people’s cultures. We've been asking questions, exploring ideas, listening to our parent experts talk about different cultures, brainstorming, creating artwork, sharing ideas and sharing our work with different people at the PBL showcase. I wanted to take a moment to say thank you for your help with our PBL this term. To those of you who came to share your culture with your child’s class, and those of you who shared information about your culture and what is special to your family: all of your work and information helped us to better understand what culture means to different people.

Thank you also to all of our amazing helpers during our swimming sessions - we would not be able to do it without you! It has been amazing watching the progress that students have made over the last week and a half. They have worked extremely hard to improve their skills and should be very proud of their efforts. I know there are a lot of tired children who are ready for a holiday and will be able to rest and recharge after all of their hard work.

Next term, as part of our PBL, our students will embark on an exciting journey delving into the captivating world of science! We hope to engage students in hands-on experiments, captivating demonstrations, and interactive learning experiences. Through engaging activities, our budding scientists will explore topics such as forces and motion, the properties of matter, and the marvels of the human body. We'll spark their curiosity, ignite their passion for discovery, and cultivate critical thinking skills as they ask questions, make observations, and draw conclusions. As always, we will be on the hunt for anyone who has expertise in this field to share their knowledge with us. Please let us know if you think you or someone you know would be interested in sharing their expertise in this area.

Take care over the school holidays, and we look forward to seeing everyone back bright and sparkly next term .

Heoi anō tāku mō nāianei (That is all for now),

Jill Kumar

Emma Anderson

Amy McBeath