Term four excitement!

By Ruth Faulkner | Posted: Wednesday October 30, 2024

Kia ora e te whānau,

It is Teacher’s Day and I would like to acknowledge and also deeply appreciate the dedication and hard work of our Junior teachers. Their commitment extends far beyond school hours, as they invest their weekends and personal time to ensure that each child’s learning experience is meaningful, engaging, and well-supported. Thank you for your passion and perseverance—you are truly making a difference in the lives of our tamariki every single day.  – Mrs Faulkner.

Anticipation grew, In preparation for our School Athletics Day, our students and teachers have been working hard to practice skills, build teamwork, and foster a spirit of camaraderie. We were excited to see everyone’s effort and enthusiasm shine on the day!

Our classrooms have been transformed into Arctic wonderlands, showcasing beautiful polar bears, harp seals, and snowy owls. Tamariki have been exploring their curiosity, asking thoughtful questions and diving into research to uncover fascinating answers about life in the Arctic.

In the meantime, through nature play, some of the Junior classes have been connecting with the environment and gathering data to explore basic statistics—sorting, observing, recording, and analysing elements within nature.

Lastly Pīwakawaka Hapori invite friends, parents, and whānau to watch our Junior tamariki kapa haka performance. This will take place on Wednesday, November 20th, at 2.15 pm, in the school hall.  We look forward to seeing you then.

Kā mihi nui,

Pīwakawaka Hapori

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