Summary of Findings of 2024 Health, PE and EOTC Community Consultation.

By Beth Downie | Posted: Wednesday December 4, 2024

Thank you for your contributions to the survey.

Kaikorai Primary School's Health and PE programmes received generally positive feedback. Parents and stakeholders highly value the school's commitment to providing a diverse range of experiences in both areas.

Health Topics:

  • Body Image and Self-Esteem: 25 responses rated it as "Extremely important," indicating strong support.

  • Road Safety and Firewise: Rated as "Extremely important" by 22 respondents each.

  • Mental Health Strategies (Zones of Regulation) and Sunsmart: Also popular, with many "Extremely important" and "Very important" ratings.

  • Keeping Ourselves Safe (Police Programme) and Digital Safety: High priority, each receiving around 20 "Extremely important" ratings.

  • Some concerns were raised about the delivery of certain topics, particularly those related to body image and healthy eating, to ensure sensitivity and practicality. 

PE programmes:

  • A wide range of PE activities were valued.

  • There was a strong emphasis on the importance of daily physical activity.

  • Some suggestions were made for increasing opportunities for after-school sports and community engagement.

  • Key Activities: "Swimming lessons," "Athletics," and "Cross-country training" are widely considered critical, with a high percentage of "Extremely important" ratings.

  • Moderately Rated: Activities such as "Introduction to Golf" and "Dance" received mixed ratings, leaning towards "Somewhat important" or "Important."

  • Emerging Interests: Cultural games and bringing in community experts are seen as valuable additions, but their perceived importance varies.

EOTC Experiences:

  • All EOTC experiences were considered valuable.

  • There was a desire for more opportunities to connect with the local community and environment.

  • Beach Education and Water Safety: Most valued, with 26 "Extremely important" ratings.

  • Year 6 Camp: Received 21 "Extremely important" ratings, highlighting its importance.

  • Performance Trips (e.g., Polyfest, Ukulele Jam) and Environmental Care (Kaikorai Stream): Also prioritised, each with 17-20 responses marking them as "Extremely important."

  • Rock Climbing, Ski Trip, and Interacting Safely with Animals: Varied ratings, with a balance across "Extremely important," "Somewhat important," and "Very important."

  • Many thought an overnight experience was not necessary for Year 3-4 students.

Next steps 

  • Use our external expert networks (Physical Education School Staff and community) to help ensure a cohesive approach to PE, Health and PE to ensure PE is well planned and nothing is left to chance.

  • Write a statement of Health, PE and EOTC at Kaikorai School.

  • Focus on shifting the delivery of PE at Kaikorai School and providing opportunities for daily movement, fitness, and PE instruction.