News from the Parent's Group

By Beth Downie | Posted: Thursday March 6, 2025

What is the Parent's Group?

At some schools, they are called a "Friends of the School" or a "PTA". Our Parent's Group is a group of parents (mums and dads) that come together 2 times a term to plan and organise fundraising opportunities and events.

The Parent's Group organises school discos, pizza lunches, and fundraising opportunities like cookie dough, calendar art, croissant orders, etc.

This year, the Parent's Group has donated tens of thousands of dollars back to the school for the teachers to purchase resources for their classrooms, contributions to school camp, chrome books and sports gear.

We invite you to our wine and cheese evening this Wednesday, 12/3, at 6 pm in the staffroom. You will meet the committee, and then the meeting will follow.

We always like new faces on the committee who bring different skill sets and can contribute solution-focused ideas. We hope to see you on Wednesday.

What's coming up for the Parent's Group?

12/3 Wine and cheese evening with the meeting to follow

13/3 School hoodies go on sale (keep an eye out on your emails)

9/4 Pizza Lunch fundraiser

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