By Emily Armstrong | Posted: Wednesday March 12, 2025
He aroha whakatō, he aroha puta mai. If kindness is sown then kindness you receive.
We are speeding through the term now and all classroom programmes are well underway. The children are working hard on their learning, and the classroom walls are vibrant with art and displays. Feel free to pop in with your child at the beginning or end of the day to look at some of their work.
The children are being spotted displaying the KAIK values throughout their day and can talk about some of their learning goals.
Whānau - Teacher Learning Conversations
We are really looking forward to meeting most of you next week to discuss your child's progress, how they have settled into the class routines, and to share their learning goals with you. Please make sure that you have booked a time to meet with you child's teacher.
The children worked hard during the recent swimming lessons and great progress was made! Thank you to all the parent support we had during swimming times.
PBL (Project Based Learning)
The Pīwakawaka Hapori have been getting stuck into our Project based learning (PBL) topic for the term one.
We started by investigating what a community is, and Whaea Ana told us the story of how Kaikorai came to be. Last Friday we visited Yvette Williams Retirement Village. This was a wonderful afternoon spent with the residents. We sang some songs, read some stories and coloured in some bookmarks for them. We really enjoyed talking to some of the older locals of our community. Coming up next week... we are going on a community walk and picnic! We are super excited to be exploring some of our local places together.
Google forms
For any upcoming team trips it is essential that the google forms are completed promptly to ensure your child's participation. Your support with this is appreciated.
New toys and shelving
Our Learning Street is a busy place! We have new shelving to keep it tidy, and some new toys for wet playtimes. Thanks to the Parent's Group for giving us some money to purchase lovely new things.
We are always appreciative of donations of things your family no longer use eg. puzzles, games, colouring books, toys, lego, duplo, arts and craft supplies. Let us know if you have anything to donate.
Be Bright, Be Seen
Our classrooms were a sea of bright colours yesterday with the Move it March dress up day! It is great to see many children finding ways to be active on the way to and from school.
Ngā mihi nui
Emily Armstrong and the Pīwakawaka Hapori