By Amy McBeath | Posted: Thursday March 13, 2025
Whāia te iti kahurangi ki te tūohu koe me he maunga teitei - Seek the treasure you value most dearly: if you bow your head, let it be to a lofty mountain.
Children in Tūī Hapori have been busy working through lots of different activities as we build on the routines and expectations set up at the beginning of the term. It is wonderful hearing students keen to share what they've been learning at school, and having a strong desire to continue some of this learning at home. We look forward to meeting with you next week for our whānau - teacher learning conversations. This will be a chance to talk with you about your child's learning, goals, and how their 2025 year has started.
Syndicate Assemblies
Each Monday afternoon, we have a syndicate assembly in our learning street. There are a mixture of activities each week. We start with a narrative picture book which is used as a springboard for thoughtful discussions about our school's values and behaviour expectations. These conversations have encouraged students to reflect on their own actions and consider how they can contribute to making our classes, syndicate, and school a great place to be. Some fun get up and move activities include general knowledge quizzes where students move around the learning street to select their chosen answer - the follow-up discussions have helped us to learn lots of new things. We also have some singing and music lessons with active participation. To balance the get-up-and-go activities, some time for mindfulness and calm is incorporated through Relax Kids activities. These assemblies have also provided opportunities for students from different classes to connect and build relationships, fostering a strong sense of community within the syndicate.
We have been enjoying learning about the history of our school and our local community. If you have anything that you would like to share for this, please feel free to get in touch with your child's teacher. We have a few trips organised to support our PBL Milestones happening over the next couple of weeks. Please make sure that you are filling in the permission forms for this.
Heoi anō tāku mō nāianei (that's all for now)
Jill Kumar
Hannah Jones
Amy McBeath
Emma Anderson