
By Linda Martin | Posted: Monday May 8, 2017

Children are now using a  virtual on line banking tool.

Dear Parents and Caregivers,

This term our class will be integrating Financial Literacy into our programme. We will be using and learning about money in lots of different ways. To help us do this we will be using Banqer ( This means every student in the class will have their very own online virtual Banq account. Initially, we will be learning about the basics of money such as, savings, income, making online payments, and earning interest. From there we will look into making and contributing to a school wide community called Kaikville. This will include a market day where all children will be involved in creating goods and services, and running their own businesses. You can help support your child’s financial understanding by asking them questions about what they are learning in class. Get them to log into their Banqer account and show you how they are going. As we start new modules you can check with your child and see what we are covering. Being able to make sensible financial decisions is a really important life skill and starting early will be very beneficial. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask.

Many thanks,

Linda Martin