By Kristen Anuik | Posted: Monday September 18, 2017
The school choir had the opportunity to bring sunshine into the lives of the residents at Yvette Williams Rest Home on Wednesday 6 September.
We have a dedicated and committed group of 30 Year 3-6 students in the choir this year. They attend choir practices every Monday during their lunch hour. I try to have a mixture of genres to sing, but in Term 3 we focused on the "oldies but goodies" in preparation for our performance at Yvette Williams. Some of the favourites were Moon River, Do Re Mi and You Are My Sunshine.
Instead of going to the rest home and singing to the residents, I wanted to incorporate an outreach approach with the choir, and have them sing with the residents. I encouraged the choir to find a resident and sing the songs with them. The students were amazing! They really enjoyed the connections they made and seeing the smiles on the residents' faces was a beautiful memory that was made for all.
I am so proud of the group of singers we have. They work really hard at learning the lyrics and different musical parts. Next term, we will be preparing for our end of year Christmas concert.
Mrs Ferguson (Choir Director)