Steampunk Workshops

By Linda Martin | Posted: Thursday March 30, 2017

Mixing a style of design and fashion that combines Victorian historical elements with  technological features inspired by science fiction.

Sustainability has been our concept for learning through inquiry this term. We have examined reusing, reducing, repurposing, rethinking, refusing, and recycling to try to limit our waste production. 

On Wednesday and Thursday this week, our 4 senior classes have delved into the world of Steampunk where waste is repurposed and reused to create innovative, imaginative Victorian/science fiction works of art. 

Mrs Michelle Ward is part of the newly formed Dunedin Steampunk Society and is also a teacher at the Otago Polytechnic in the Design Department. She has been involved in elements of creating designs in many movies and events, including The Lord of The Rings and Armageddon. We were very fortunate that she could spare the time to lead these workshops for our classes.

The children have all created either science fiction style ray guns or Steampunk goggles, using a variety of media and developing many skills in design.

On Friday we enjoyed having a syndicate sharing session.

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