Reports and Digital Portfolios

By Simon Clarke | Posted: Wednesday December 7, 2016

Reports will be sent home on Monday.

Many hours have gone into compiling your child's report and I would like to thank all of the teachers for their very personal reflections on what your child can do and where to next for their learning both academically and socially.

If you have any questions regarding your child's report please make contact with your child's classroom teacher.

The reports will contain what room your child is in next year.  We also spend a considerable amount of time putting classes together to ensure the best possible mix of genders, abilities, strengths and personality types.  From time to time classroom placements may at first seem strange and you may need to be positive in the first instance with your child and point out all of the positives of new teachers and peer groups.  A full class list will be posted on the school web site on Monday by  4pm.

We have changed the way that we do portfolios.  As many of you know these are now digital and are kept on your child's google drive in a folder called "Wow".  Most of the middle and senior children will easily be able to direct you where to look.  The children in the Juniors may not be so clear but a username and password should be able to be found in their spelling notebook.  Please contact your child's teacher directly if you need a password and username reset for your child.