By Susan Oldfield | Posted: Thursday July 6, 2017
What a busy term it has been...
We have some very tired children who are in need of some holidays and some down time. We have had so much on this term from Kaikville to lots of in class learning that has truly stretched our brains.
Thank you for coming to the parent interviews this week what a valuable chance it was to catch up with you and to share how well your child is doing. We hope you enjoyed reading their reports, I know that a lot of care and thought went into writing them.
Next term we will be learning all about being FIREWISE. A programme that we really enjoy teaching and a high quality resource to use. Your children will have homework during this programme so you can share safe places and plans in the event of a fire. This will be weeks 1-3 and the firemen will come and visit in week 2/ 3 to share their knowledge and safety advice.
We will also begin to work on our movie segment in each class so it is ready for filming, It is going to be very exciting and lots of hard work. Alongside the movie we are also looking at traditional and non traditional tales / stories and how they can be turned into a movie or play.
Make it Mondays have been a great success this term and we will be coming up with a fun idea for term 3. Thank you so much to the parents who came along to help we really appreciate your support to help us run fun programmes like this.
Have a wonderful holiday especially if you are going away somewhere. Keep safe, stay warm and healthy and have a good break. We look forward to seeing refreshed and healthy children back next term ready to learn.
The Junior Team.