By Kristen Anuik | Posted: Wednesday August 9, 2017
Music therapy is the planned use of music to assist with the healing and personal growth of people with identified emotional, intellectual, physical or social needs.
Every week, two of our students at Kaikorai have the opportunity to go to a music session taught by music teachers at Balmacewen Intermediate. They experience the joy of music with other students from schools around the city. This is a fantastic opportunity for sensory development, cognitive functioning, motor skills, emotional development, social skills, and quality of life.
The teachers plan an interactive and sensory experience using a range of props and instruments. Children are encouraged to participate through movement, singing along and interacting with others. The sessions begin with a welcome song where each child is named and acknowledged. From there, the session includes a variety of activities that involve dancing, parachutes, following beats and rhythms, using percussion instruments, blowing bubbles to music, bean bags and rainbow sticks.
We are so fortunate to have this programme offered to us. It has been a very positive experience and one that the students look forward to each week.