Prime Maths

By Sarah Gilbert | Posted: Thursday March 30, 2017

New homework books coming home next week.

As you know this year we are using the Prime Maths Programme in Room 3. Next week children will bring home their Prime Maths Practice book. This book is their homework book for Maths and they will no longer have sheets glued into their books.

The activities in their books will relate directly to the work we are doing at school and at the end of each week they will have certain tasks that they will need to have completed.  We have discovered not all of these tasks are suited to be completed at home as it is unlikely that you will have the Maths equipment needed. In this case the homework will be completed during our Maths time at school.

The tasks are designed to be completed after the lesson, so it is important that the children do not race ahead and complete the book. It's understandable with childrens' many after school commitments, and the day on which each lesson takes place, that this may be difficult. This makes it especially important that the books are kept in their school bags every day so that they have time before school and perhaps if they get time during their normal programme to complete it.

It is also helpful for the books to be kept in bags for ease of marking and to talk the children through the task and the expectations.

If you have any questions feel free to contact me.


Sarah Gilbert