News from Room 8.

By Susan Oldfield | Posted: Sunday February 12, 2017

We are now in our first full week of school. We welcome Morticia Clinch to Room 8.

This week our letter of the week is Tt.  The words we are learning are 'the'  and 'said' . You will know by the book your child brings home what their word is for the week. Please ensure your child is pointing to the words in their books with their finger as they read. One to one pointing is part of learning to read.

Please keep working on their alphabet worms in their home book and their word walls.

This week we start our inquiry into NZ Native Birds. Our first part of this focus is to discover what makes a bird a bird.  Then we will be looking at how we need to take care of our native birds so they don't become endangered. We will also be learning about birds that have become endangered or extinct. A trip to the Orokonui Econsanctuary is planned for March.

PMP is now only on Tuesdays at 1.30. We are having a fun Monday afternoon for the whole Junior school called 'Move it Mondays' based on fun sports for the next few weeks. Cross our fingers and toes it is fine on Mondays.

See you at the meet the teacher evening on Wednesday evening for a picnic.

Susan Oldfield.