Principal News

By Simon Clarke | Posted: Monday June 5, 2017

Kaikville comes to a close.

What a lot of fun and learning was had this week!  Kaikville posed many problems for the children to overcome and we hope that the children have gained a greater understanding of how societies work and financial literacy.

Well done to all of the CEO's and MP's who represented their groups so well and faced some of the toughest challenges and decision making.

One of the new elements we brought into Kaikville this time was the concept of saving.  Children who saved 75% of their income had to make tough decisions at the Market Day today on whether to spend their money or take a longer term view for a better reward at a later date.  The incentive was a free swim which will happen early in term 3 and more details will come at this point.

Out of the frying pan and into the fire may be an apt description of what is next on our calendar as we move from Kaikville to focusing on creating a school movie for release in October! 

It will also be a busy and exciting next two weeks for me as well.  I have the good fortune to be attending an International Science and Technology Conference (ISTE) in San Antonio.  On the way there I will be visiting a number of schools in San Francisco with the focus on looking at how STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) concepts are being delivered within these schools as well as the opportunity to explore school building design. 

Thank you to Andrew Trotman who has helped organise a visit to Google Headquarters where I will be talking to the 'Google App for Education' developers.  Thank you also to the Board for allowing me to take up this opportunity.

I am thoroughly looking forward to sharing my findings with the teachers and students on my return as we endeavour to keep Kaikorai School at the cutting edge of educational theory.  In my absence please contact Linda Martin in the first instance if you require any assistance.  [email protected] 

Kind regards,

Simon Clarke

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