Thanks to our wonderful sponsors

By Kaikorai Parents Group | Posted: Tuesday August 9, 2016

The fair isn't possible without help from these businesses 

Many thanks to our wonderful sponsors who have been very generous with donating money for Fair expenses or by donating prizes for our Raffle and Silent Auctions.

Some names to mention in this newsletter are:

  • Johns Furniture Warehouse
  • Cheap Heat - firewood
  •  Laser plumbing
  •  Dunedin Dance Academy 
  • Harraways 
  • Friday shop 
  • Foodlands 4square - Kaikorai Valley
  • Mitchell Partnerships
  • ADInstruments
  • A & L Coombs Contracting

Thank you all! 

Many thanks, Ros Allison, Nikola Ballard and Vanessa Hornel - your Fair coordinators.