By Jill Kumar | Posted: Monday February 20, 2017
We have a member of the newly formed Dunedin Steampunk society coming to hold two days of workshops at school (you may have seen Michelle at the Thieves Alley Market day - she was in a Steampunk wheelchair). Steampunk fits our Sustainability focus as it uses used 'bits and pieces' in it's 'up-cycled' creations.
There is no charge, however we would like to help as they do need a lot of resources for these workshops, and over 100 senior children are involved from Rooms 1, 2 ,2a and 4. This also helps to show our children that beautiful items can be made from what others throw away. The following resources need to be collected for our upcoming Steampunk workshops:
Bits of wire
Toilet Roll inners
Paper towel/ Cling wrap inners etc
Milk Bottle tops
Yogurt pots,
Old PCB"s
Biscuit or cake trays
Curtain hooks
Absolutely anything really, everything can be up cycled. Prepare to be amazed! Please bring these and other items to your class to be used for our upcoming workshops.