By Susan Oldfield | Posted: Sunday February 11, 2018
What a busy first 3 weeks we have had since school started. It has been great to see how quickly the children have settled back into school and their new classrooms.
The children have been learning all about our KAIK values. This term we are learning about being kind to each other. Our big focus this term is Relationships. We have all read 'Fill your bucket with Kindness'.and we are practising filling each others buckets and also those in our family. Classes have talked about the Treaty of Waitangi and then created their own class treaties.
This week we have begun our investigation into animals that live in communities and their relationships to each other. As we learn more about groups of animals and their needs, habitats and features we will be encouraging the children to choose their own interesting animal to research. Some children might like to share their findings with their classmates. We hope to arrange a trip to Otago Museum to visit the animal attic, more details to follow.
Some beginning of the year reminders.
Homework is always a controversial topic but all Junior children have a book to read each night. Some also have words and alphabet to learn. Spelling will also begin for most classes soon as will some maths goals to work on. Keep Homework simple and low key and make it fun!!! All we are just asking you to do is to reinforce any learning that took place during the day.
All children need a water bottle each day with water (brain juice) in.
Children need sensible shoes to run and do PE in and sensible clothes to move easily in.
Thank you to the parents who wait outside until the 3.00 bell goes so that teachers and children can end the day quietly and calmly as they pack up.
Please do not come into the classroom with your child until the 8.30 bell goes. The time up until 8.30 is teacher preparation time. A number of children are coming very early so please make sure your child is here at a reasonable time nearer 8.30.
As teachers often have meetings after school please make sure you have a plan for picking your child up on time after school.
We look forward to seeing you on meet the teacher night on the 21st at 5.30.
From the Junior Teachers... Susan Oldfield, Paula Fisher, Courtney Dunn, Emma Riley and Felicia Ward.