By Paula Fisher | Posted: Friday April 27, 2018
Welcome to Term 2! I trust that you had an enjoyable break and managed to spend some quality time with family and friends. I thought that I would just touch base with what is happening this term.
Our school concept for this term is: Systems
Our school value for this term is: Aspiring
Our topics for inquiry in Term 2 are:
*To Infinity and Beyond – What is out there? - Science
*Book Week - Literacy
*Life Education Classroom – Body Systems - Health
Student Teacher
We are very fortunate in Room 10 to have Ilaisipa Tahaafe, a student teacher, join us for the rest of the year. Ilaisipa, (who the children call Miss T) is in her 3rd year of study. She will be in Room 10 every Tuesday for the day, as well as for a three week posting at the end of May, and a further posting later in the year.
Book Week
There will be a whole school Book Week, from the 21st - 25th May (Week 4). Guest authors and illustrators will be talking to the children, as well as each class having a strong emphasis on enriching children’s learning through books.
During this week, there will also be a whole school Scholastic Book Fair in the kitchen, where children can purchase books at reasonable prices. The Book Fair will be open daily, from 8.30-9.00am and 3.00-3.30pm that week.
Our library time this term continues to be Friday at 9.00am. Please could children return their two books to the library box in our classroom by Friday morning.
Swimming begins this Wednesday, 2 May – Friday 11th May (8 days). As well as swimming togs and a towel, in a named bag, it is helpful if girls have their hair tied up and swimming caps are also recommended. Please ensure that all children’s clothing is clearly named, as well as their swimming togs, towel, swimming caps and goggles.
Thank you parents for regularly supporting your children in completing a few minutes of homework each night (Monday to Thursday).
Spelling: Spelling words go home on a Monday and words are then tested on Friday morning.
Reading: A reading book at your child’s appropriate instructional level goes home Monday to Thursday.
Please remember to fill out the reading log at the front of your child’s home book every night.
Maths: Thank you to those parents who have supported their children in regular sessions on ‘Mathletics.’ It does make a difference! Remember that your child’s password is in their spelling notebook.
Home/School Partnership
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to come in and see me for a chat before school. Alternatively, I am available after school on Wednesday to Friday afternoons.
I can also be contacted by e-mail at:
Do feel free to pop in at any time to view your child’s work on display in the classroom or in their books. They are always proud to share their work with their families.
Thank you for your continued support,
Paula Fisher
Room 10