Room 2A persuasive writing

By Simon Clarke | Posted: Thursday June 14, 2018

In a reading activity on plastic bags, some of the students in Room 2a have written letters to businesses to encourage them to rethink their plastic bag usage.

To the manager,

My name is Anabelle Batchelor. I’m from Kaikorai Primary school in Dunedin. I want to tell you why you should stop using plastic bags.

First off, why don’t you stop giving plastic bags to customers and if they want a bag they could buy some off you or bring their own.

Do you like swimming or going to the beach? Well Plastic bags are bad for the environment. Think about it, imagine you are a turtle and you see a bag moving around, you go to eat it, but that 1 plastic bag that you eat could determine your whole turtle life. If you STOP using plastic bags others might follow.

Plastic bags are only used once or twice so stop using them, they are only going to make the environment worse. Plastic bags are made from lots of oil so you can’t burn them or throw them away because they aren’t biodegradable. If you are not going to stop using them then ask people to bring them back for you to use again. Also, if you are going to use plastic bags use biodegradable ones. Please stop using plastic bags. Reuse them over and over again.

From Anabelle Batchelor Age:10

Dear Manager,

What is the point of plastic bags? You’re polluting the ocean and killing a lot of creatures. Have you ever experienced a ripped plastic bag? Well it’s extremely frustrating, and I’m sure you can agree. You’re just walking down to your car, just stepped out of the elevator and……. RIP! Ugh it’s just soooo annoying. So why have them, if they’re just going to rip? In just a few simple steps you can change. Please use reusable bags. Please! Now if that didn’t melt your heart and make you want to change, then here are some reasons.

Reason 1

They don’t rip

Reason 2

They aren’t killing any sea creatures are they?

Reason 3

You can beautify them! ( that means you can make them beautiful.)

Now don’t you spin me the “we will stop using them by the end of the year” yarn! Guess what? You won’t. Now please listen, please change to reusable bags.

Sincerely Tila Te Whare.

( a little girl that wants to save the environment and ocean.)

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