By Robin Hartley | Posted: Friday June 15, 2018
Is Fortnite appropriate for primary school aged children?
Teachers have noticed many children talking about a violent video game called Fortnite. Some children at school are talking about playing it for hours at a time and for some it even seems like an obsession!
The most popular form of the game is called battle royal. 100 players jump onto an island where they look for weapons, such as machine guns and axes, to kill the other opponents. Last player alive wins.
There is more than just the game play. Players are encouraged to buy and earn extra benefits through a Fortnite shop where a timer counts down until these benefits become available.
Articles suggest that it is designed to be addictive. I have attached some links to inform you about this game. A review of the game suggests that is a 13+ game.
Please note that we are not trying to tell you what to do in your home or how much screen time is ok. Just informing the community so you know what is going on, and make your own decisions.