Room 10 News! Term 1, 2019

By Paula Fisher | Posted: Thursday January 31, 2019

I would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to Room10, your child’s Year 1 class for 2019. I trust that you and your family have had a great break and I look forward to getting to know you all over the coming months.


Thank you to those parents who have already purchased stationery and given it to me. If you have any more stationery of your child’s at home, please bring it along to Room 10 tomorrow. Please ensure that each book is named and then I will write the correct subject title on each cover.

Yesterday some stationery was put on my blue jellybean table by a parent and unfortunately the books were not named. If you think that these were your child’s books, could you please let me know tomorrow morning.

If your child requires any extra stationery, I will simply put the cost of the necessary items on your school account.

Covering of Books

It would be beneficial for your child’s spelling notebook and home book to be covered, as they are constantly in use between school and home, on a daily basis.


Our library time  is on a Friday at 9.00am-9.30am. Your child can take out two books from the library each week. These books need to be returned to the class library box in Room 10 by Friday morning.


In Year 1, the expectation is for approximately 10 minutes of homework per night, Monday to Thursday. This is made up of:

*Reading – a reading book at the appropriate level will come home Monday to Thursday.  Please fill out the reading diary each night, which is found at the front of your child’s home book.

*Spelling – A few spelling words will come home in your child’s spelling notebook on a Monday afternoon. This notebook needs to be kept in your child’s reading folder for the duration of the week. Your child will be tested on these words every Friday morning. Spelling will begin next week, in week 2.

Please get your child to practise each word, by writing them out a few times each on a scrap piece of paper. Or why not try some different ways too, such as:

Writing spelling words in uncooked rice

Writing spelling words with water and a paintbrush on the concrete

Making their words with magnetic letters on the fridge

Painting their words on paper

Using a spelling app on the i-pad

Finding the words in old magazines

These are just a few examples of how your child can learn their spelling words in a fun way. They will be tested on these words every Friday morning.  Spelling will begin next week, in week 2.

I am looking for a parent, who has a spare hour per week to help with spelling testing on a Friday morning. Please come and see me if you are able to be of assistance. Your help would be very much appreciated.

Homework will begin next week, which is week 2 of school.


Junior Syndicate swimming will take place this term at Dunedin North Intermediate (DNI), and taken by a team of instructors from the Jill Clarke Swim School. More information on swimming will follow shortly.

Home/School Partnership

If you have any questions or concerns, please do pop into the classroom any day before school to have a chat. Alternatively, I am available after school on Wednesday and Thursday afternoons.

I can also be contacted by e-mail at:

[email protected]

Paula Fisher

Room 10 Class Teacher