By Jill Kumar | Posted: Thursday June 13, 2019

HE AHA TE KAI A TE RANGA TIRA? HE KORERO, HE KORERO ( What is the food of a leader? It is conversations) On Friday 31st a group of Year 6 children (Connor,Jacob,Meisha,Ayako,Sam,Jayden, Arlette ,Charlotte,Benjamin,William,Eleanor ,Jordan,Bella and Rosa) attended a NYLD (National Young Leaders DAY) conference.

Personally I loved NYLD! I came there not really knowing what to expect. When we got there it was awesome. There was music playing and they even had a dance cam! We got to dance and sing to hit songs and learn at the same time. The helpers were superheroes and let’s just say that they were good at being helpers but even better at dancing! The hosts Liz Alexander and Phil Baker were hilarious and told stories about mistakes they had made to stand out and what you need to do to be a leader. Personally my favorite speaker was Christian Gallen because he was so funny and told crazy stories and at the same time he was giving us very valuable lessons. The lesson that stood out to me the most was to have conversations because to learn you must ask and talk.

- Meisha Smith

National Young Leaders Day exceeded my expectations by thousands. I went through the door thinking that it might be fun, and came away full of inspiration, and excitement for what I could do for the world. I believe that we all learnt a lot, and walked home all feeling a little dazed. NYLD was an amazing experience that I loved so much. I definitely won’t forget it soon!! I loved it!

- Arlette Delaborde