PAL (Physical Activity Leaders) Update

By Jill Kumar | Posted: Thursday June 13, 2019

Our Kaikorai Primary Leaders have had the privilege to have been selected to be involved in the 2019 PAL Mentoring Programme!

Here is a report from two of our PAL leaders:


In the past few weeks Ashton Tourell has taught us how to be better PAL leaders. On the first day we had to learn how to tell someone what to do but without showing them, so we had to describe it. On the next couple of Tuesdays we had each group(Groups are 1 & 2) take turns at choosing a sport to play. Each time we played a game, we had to solve some problems. The most common one was that there were only a few people actually touching the ball and scoring a goal. The way we solved it(to get more participation from the others) was to allow the people who didn’t touch the ball much to be  the only people who were allowed to score goals.

I am finding the PAL meetings really fun and the best part was doing the games (and also not having to do school work).


I think since Ashton has had meetings with us, I have improved on working with other people and making sure all people are more included in  games.

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