By Beth Downie | Posted: Thursday November 7, 2019
The Senior team are visiting the Science Roadshow
The Senior team is visiting the Science Roadshow that is being hosted at Balmacewen Intermediate on Tuesday.
The Science Roadshow is an interactive, hands-on show that features experiments, displays and focuses on not only science but technology and innovation also. This links directly to our unit on structures. More information can be found here
The cost of the visit is $8 per child and this is covered by the school donation.
Room 2A will walk to Balmac, departing school at 11:55 am and will return by 1:45 pm. Rooms 1, 2, 4 leave Kaikorai School at 1 pm and will return by 2:45 pm.
If you have any questions, please email me [email protected] or your child's teacher.
As always thank you for your ongoing support.
Beth Downie