By Beth Downie | Posted: Wednesday November 20, 2019
Swimming, structures, science, and symphonies!
The Senior Syndicate are really enjoying their Just Swim swimming lesson which has incorporated some water safety survival tips which included going into the wave pool in life jackets - replicating the ocean. We have 3 sessions left this year and we have already seen great progress in your child's swimming ability already.
We all enjoyed our visit to Balmacewen Intermediate last week to learn about science, design, and innovation. We enjoyed the hands-on nature of the show as well as watching things being lit on fire. Read some student reviews below.
R1/2/2A/4 children are rotating around the senior teachers and learning some more about structures and looking at a more hands-on approach. In R1 they are constructing matchsticks buildings and bridges, in R4 they are creating art based on famous landmarks, R2 they are designing marble run structures using cardboard and in R2A they are looking at the structure of coding and the internet. All senior children will have 2 hours with each of the senior teachers and will experience all the activities. Som excellent learning happening!
The Dunedin Symphony Orchestra performed today and showcased a variety of instruments. A flyer was also handed out for Saturday morning music lessons - if you didn't get one and would like one -please sing out.
Please read the important article about the Y6 leaver's assembly and don't hesitate to get in touch for further information.
As always, thank you for your support.
Ngā mihi maioha
Beth Downie